There’s soo much to love ❤️

so i’ve had the chance to try out some Rust programming for a project i’m working on. first of all: it comes as no surprise that Rust is one of the most loved languages in most polls i come across. it’s awesome and i love it. i’ve never been sceptical of Rust, so it’s hardly been a conversion for me, but i’ve found low-level languages quite hard to understand. besides most language’s inaccessibility towards beginners or self-taught developers, most languages also have (relatively) poor communities & packages compared to more modern interpreted languages imo, but i’d digress....

August 23, 2022 · 4 min

Dynamic GDDs with Notion & Godot

Have another way to connect design with implementation

Shortly after I start with a Game design document, I’m hit with the very sudden and scary realization that I need to upkeep the document as well. By combining the power of Notion and Godot I hope to make it slightly easier. Let me explain to you how you could do the same! All gamedevs have to either write or read a GDD from time to time. These beautifully complex documents take time to digest, even by the people writing them....

August 17, 2020 · 4 min