Finding the right PaaS for k8s

Or how to use a garbage server as a makeshift PaaS platform w/ k3s and Rio

👋 Hey there, this is quite an old article. Since I have found to be the one-stop-shop for all my PaaS related needs. Their free pricing tier is quite nice, the docs are thorough and their pricing scales quite nicely. Be sure to check them out! It starts off small, just trying to nudge the team into the direction of a new tech or small module in a project and before you know it, you’re neck deep in fancy docs of some weird project that solves your business case in just 3 easy steps!...

March 30, 2020 Â· 8 min

Introducing simple APIs with Neh

Or how a simple question started hours long research and a fun sideproject

*EDIT: So, I posted this article on HackerNews and the first thing people were kind enough to point out was that I could just use CGI. Good point! I’ll take a look at that. However, I still had fun working on this side project, even if it ended up a small CGI clone in OpenResty! Thank you for reading!* Everyone encounters a moment in which they’re held back by a limitation of a certain thing they use....

March 23, 2020 Â· 7 min